Meet Our Team

At Redpath Raiseboring's office in, North Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Working with the design team, I provide technical support for our fleet of raiseboring machines and support equipment. I solve engineering problems, and design new machines to expand our offering to customers. I am also responsible for the creation and facilitation of internal technical standards that relate to design documentation and software.
Working for Redpath is my first foray into the mining industry. Before Redpath I worked as a design engineer in the South African steel industry where I designed furnaces and steel-forming equipment such as roll-forming mills and progressive press tooling. When I learned of Redpath's search for a mechanical designer for their raiseboring division in North Bay I jumped at the opportunity to work on such incredible machines.
I like working for Redpath because we are at the cutting edge of our industry. We are breaking records and developing industry leading technology while still being responsible and safety-oriented. This aspect of Redpath allows me the opportunity to regularly engage with interesting problems and grow in my profession. Redpath is large but not impersonal, and it is great being part of a team where sincere pride is taken in the company brand and reputation.
Meet Our Team
PatrickWeissSite Manager and Shaft Superintendent
DikelediBaloyiGroup Inventory Controller
RochLarochelleShaft Miner
MakolaKediboneHuman Resources Officer
LuisurenKhashchuluunMine Captain, Underground Development Services
LeaGieselerProject Engineer – Planning and Coordination
FrankLouwSenior Designer, Mechanical