Conoce a nuestros padres

At Mogalakwena Mine in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
People engagement, payroll and on-boarding process of new employees for a new project in the Limpopo Province in South Africa.
I used to work as an administrator for the education department and after seeing an advertisement in the newspaper for a HR Administrator for a mining company, I decided to join the company. There were more opportunities on offer to progress further within the Human Resources department. Working for a mining company has opened up more doors within my chosen field.
Working at Redpath has offered me an opportunity to work more independently and an insight into working for an internationally based company. This is my first time working with Australians which has been rewarding and interesting.
Conocer a nuestro equipo
LuisurenKhashchuluunCapitán de Mina, Servicios de Desarrollo Subterráneo
FrankLouwDiseñador senior, mecánico
LeaGieselerProject Engineer – Planning and Coordination
PatrickWeissSite Manager and Shaft Superintendent
DikelediBaloyiControlador de inventario de grupo
MakolaKediboneOficina de Recursos Humanos
RochLarochelleShaft Miner